Blackfire adept
Blackfire adept

  • Heel≯ace Turn: She is in the middle of one when the Adventure Path begins, and the events of the later half of the adventure will determine how this will go for her.
  • The Atoner: As a succubus who just got her conscience back, she has a lot of work to do.
  • #Blackfire adept full#

    She's not quite there yet, but she's successfully changed her alignment from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Neutral, and is trying to seal the deal with a full transition to Chaotic Good. Ascended Demon: She seeks to fully abandon her former evil and destructive ways and dedicate herself to making up for the evil she did as a servant of the Abyss.Winged Humanoid: She has a pair of large, bat-like wings as part of her succubus heritage.Īlignment: Chaotic Neutral -> Chaotic Good.Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her eyes are full red without pupils, and she's never good news.Professor Guinea Pig: She owes her half-succubus nature and mythic power to powerful and dangerous magical self-modification.Mostly she works on making demonic versions of mortal creatures or bestowing mythic power on Deskari's minions, but some of her experiments seem to be solely about inflicting pain. Playing with Syringes: Areelu spends much of her time performing experiments on hapless captives.Older Than They Look: She's about 130 years old, but seems to be around her thirties.She has performed many gruesome experiments on herself and others to learn more about magic and the Abyss. The Heavy: She's responsible for opening the Worldwound, kick-starting one of the greatest threats Golarion ever faced in its history.Half-Human Hybrid: Half human and half succubus demon.

    blackfire adept

    Generic Doomsday Villain: Not much has been revealed about her backstory, especially not the reasons why she helped Deskari open the Worldwound.Dual Boss: With an undead Khorramzadeh.Dark Action Girl: Despite being a spellcaster first and foremost, Areelu can more than hold her own in a physical brawl.Khorramzadeh does have (a few) more hp, but he has no means to heal himself. Damage-Sponge Boss: With a Constitution of 48, it will take a long while to whittle her down.If you can get past her wings, horns, and glowing red eyes she's downright gorgeous ◊. Cute Monster Girl: Would be an understatement.Co-Dragons: To Deskari, along with Khorramzadeh.The Archmage: Her Mythic Path, and she's a spellcaster of surpassing power.Absolute Cleavage: It goes down to almost her navel.Areelu Vorlesh was a Sarkorian archmage and cultist of the Demon Lord Deskari, who in the year of Aroden's death conducted a mysterious ritual that opened an interplanar breach between the Material Plane and the Abyss, allowing a demon invasion. For now, Xanthir Vang contacted Dantalian telepathically and goaded him into assaulting him in the foyer by claiming to have slain his father."The Architect of the Worldwound". In penance, Arushalae aimed to infiltrate Xanthir Vang under the pretence of being a different demonic succubus. His father was the Desnan priest whose dreams Arushalae entered while he lay dying. Luckily Aravashniel didn't wear the necklace yet, as he already had a good amulet but kept it just in case.ĭantalian also found within the recess a deck of Harrow Cards and a Starknife from his mortal father - a Riftwarden whom Xanthir Vang claimed to have killed. Since they knew of Xanthir Vang's cloud kill, they decided to give it to Aravashniel. I can't remember where they found it - here or elsewhere - but they got their hand on a Necklace of Strangulation which they discerned to be an Amulet that allowed both water breathing and protection from gases. Alphy smashed in the wall and they quickly took out the daemon before retreating to use Mage Hand to bring out a few special items. Once they heard about the treasure room, they quickly knocked him out and went looking. They did keep one under Arushalae's charm effect so that they could interrogate the person about the Sanctum. So they now have four Blackfire Adept prisoners.

    blackfire adept

    Instead Alphy kicked open the door and they managed to lay everyone out in the first round / counterspell the one effort to Dimension Door that was attempted. Or at least that's what I thought would happen. Arushalae (NPC tagalong roleplayed by me and controlled by Alphy Hernaste's player) wants them to leave the room alone because if they spook them there's a good chance they'll teleport away - likely to provide the Big Bad support if they're forced to choose a side. Aravashniel (NPC tagalong roleplayed by me and controlled in combat by Dantalian's player) wants them to kill the Blackfire Adepts. The PCs want to barrel in and knock them out.

    blackfire adept

    They take out a few more bad guys and then find a note left on the door of the workshop from the Blackfire Adepts saying they will kindly stay out of the way of the adventurers if they aren't attacked.

    Blackfire adept